Here's when Galarian Corsola evolves into Cursola: It needs to be noted that this Galarian form is only found in Pokémon Shield. Corsola also receives a regional evolution called Cursola, which keeps its pure Ghost typing. Yamask -> Have 49+ damage while walking under stone sculpture in Dusty Bowl (Wild Area) -> RunerigusĬorsola gets a Galarian form, and the Water and Rock-type Pokémon becomes a pure Ghost-type. It's method of evolution is different and takes some work. Yamask doesn't evolve into a Galarian Cofragrigus, but into something brand new called Runerigus. The Gen 5 Pokémon goes from a pure Ghost-type Pokémon to a Ghost and Ground-type. Yamask is one of the most unique Ghost-type Pokémon, and it gets a Galarian form. Here's the level you need to obtain a Mr. Mime of this region go from Psychic and Fairy to Psychic and Ice-type. Mime gets a Galarian form, making it a bit more like Jynx than it's original Kantonian form. With the release of Sword and Shield, we can confirm that Galarian Farfetch'd is a pure Fighting-type.įarfetch'd can only be caught in Pokémon Sword, so, if this is the Galarian Pokémon you're seeking, you'll want to pick the game up.įarfetch'd -> Get three Critical Hits in one Battle -> Sirfetch'd

However, it wasn't known if Farfetch'd would remain the same or have a Galarian form. Sirfectch'd, the evolved form of the Gen 1 duck Pokémon, was the talk of the Pokémon world when it was revealed. Here's the level Galarian Pontya evolves into Rapidash: Galarian Ponyta evolves into Galarian Rapidash, who gains the Fairy typing. It should be known that this line can only be found in Shield version, so those looking for the "unique horn" Pokémon will want to pick up that game. What was thought to be a Fairy-type, is actually a Psychic-type, giving it some more firepower. One of the coolest new Galarian forms is Ponyta. Here's the level Koffing evolves into Galarian Weezing. Koffing remains in its Kantonian form in the Galar region, but evolves into the first Fairy and Poison-type Pokémon, Galarian Weezing. Not all Pokémon received Galarian forms throughout its line.

Zigzagoon -> Lv 20 -> Linoone -> Lv 35 (at night) -> Obstagoon

Here's the levels the Galarian Zigzagoon line needs to evolve. More importantly, Galarian Linoone can evolve into the new regional evolution, Obstagoon. Zigzagoon received some much-needed love in Gen 8, giving the Normal-type Racoon Pokémon, and its evolution Linoone, the Dark typing.