Fennec then recovers from this major surgery back at Boba's campsite in the desert and is up and running again within a day. Star Wars, The Book of Boba Fett: After Fennec Shand is gutshot in The Mandalorian's " Chapter 5: The Gunslinger", in " The Gathering Storm", Boba Fett rescues her and brings her to a back-alley "mod surgeon" who replaces her damaged innards with cybernetics.She finally accepts an offer from Danny Rand for a high-tech prosthetic replacement and becomes proficient enough to use it naturally one episode later. In the second season of Luke Cage, Misty Knight spends the first few episodes coping with the loss of her right arm, which was chopped off by Bakuto in the last episode of The Defenders.In the seasons that follow, Coulson now has a prosthetic hand which he can use with the same ease as his original hand and contains some useful gadgets to boot (including a forcefield-shield). Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: In the Season 2 finale " S.O.S., Part 2", Mack is forced to cut off Coulson's hand to prevent a Terrigen crystal from petrifying him.

The demon Arachne bites off a few of her own limbs to donate to Eva, and later, Devon replaces a lost arm with a tentacle without any complications. Exaggerated in Void Domain, where Demon body parts have No Biochemical Barriers to being used as prostheses, function perfectly upon being attached, and slowly resize to fit the recipient.The magic involved makes it easier for the characters to attach (and presumably to get used to) their new limbs, especially given the humanshifting involved in the second example. has been impersonating Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody for months by using a potion to assume Moody's shape and attaching the real Moody's prosthetic eye and leg to his own transformed body. Later in the same book, we find out that Barty Crouch Jr. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Voldemort conjures up a fully functional silver hand for his henchman Wormtail to replace the one that Wormtail had ritually amputated minutes prior.Additionally, the recipient (and creator) is a powerful mage in his own right.
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